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21. Heger T., Jeschke J. M., Bernard-Verdier M., Musseau C. L., Mietchen D. 2024. Hypothesis description: Enermy Release Hypothesis. Research Ideas and Outcomes 10: e107393.

20. Macedo R. L., Haubrock P. J., Klippel G., Fernandez R. D., Leroy B., Angulo E., Carneiro L., Musseau C.L., Rocha O., Cuthbert R. N. 2024. The economic costs of invasive aquatic plants: A global perspective on ecology and management gaps. 2024.  Science on The Total Environment. 168217.

19. Lokatis S., Jeschke J.M.,  Bernard-Verdier M., Buchholz S., Grossart H-P., Havemann F., Itescu Y., Kowarik I., Kramer-Schadt S., Mietchen D., Musseau C.L., Planillo A., Schittko C., Straka T.M., Heger, T. 2023. Hypotheses in urban ecology: building a common knowledge base. Biological Reviews,

18. Synodinos A., Karnatak R.,  Aguilar-Trigueros C. A., Gras P., Heger T., Ionescu D., Maass S., Musseau C. L., Onandia G., Planillo A., Weiss L., Wollrab S., Ryo M. 2023. The rate of environmental change as an important driver across scales in ecology. Oikos,

17. Musseau C.L., Onandia G., Petermann J.S., Sagouis A., Lischeid G., Jeschke J.M. 2022. Nonlinear effects of environmental drivers shape macroinvertebrate biodiversity in an agricultural pondscape. Ecology and Evolution, 12: e9458. 

16. Itescu Y., Bernard-Verdier M., Moesch S.S., Mrugała A., Mrugała K., Musseau, C.L., Jeschke J.M. 2022. The Ecologist's Career Compass: A game to explore career paths. Ecology and Evolution, 12: e9259.

15. Ionescu D.*, Bizic M.*, Karnatak R., Musseau C.L., Kasada M., Onandia G., Berger S.A., Netjstgaard J.C., Ryo M., Lischeid G., Gessner M.O., Wollrab S., Grossart H-P. 2022. From microbes to mammals: Pond biodiversity homogenization across different land-use types in an agricultural landscape.Ecological Monographs, In press. *the authors contributed equally to this work

14. Bizic M.*, Ionescu D.*, Karnatak R., Musseau C.L., Onandia G., Berger S.A., Netjstgaard J.C., Lischeid G., Gessner M.O., Wollrab S., Grossart H-P. 2022. Land-use type temporarily affects active pond community structure but not gene expression patterns. Molecular Ecology, 31: 1716–1734.
*the authors contributed equally to this work

13. Panfili J., Boulenger C., Musseau C.L., Crivelli A. J. 2022. Extreme variability in European eel growth revealed by an extended mark and recapture experiment in southern France and implications for management. In press. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.

12. Guillerault N., Loot G., Blanchet S., Cucherousset J., Millet P., Musseau C. L., Santoul F. 2021. Efficiency of Northern pike (Esox lucius) stocking in metropolitan France at large spatial and temporal scales. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 28: 486-495.

11. Onandia G.*, Maassen S.*, Musseau C. L., Berger S. A., Olmo C., Jeschke J. M., Lischeid G.  2021. Key drivers structuring rotifer communities in ponds: Insights from an agricultural landscape. Journal of Plankton Research, 43: 396-412.

*the authors contributed equally to this work

10. Linzmaier S.M., Musseau C., Matern S., Jeschke J.M. 2020. Trophic ecology of invasive marbled and spiny-cheek crayfish populations. Biological Invasions, 22: 3339–3356.

9. Musseau C., Vincenzi S., Santoul F., Boulêtreau S., Jesenšek D., Crivelli A.J. 2020. Within-individual trophic variability drives short-term intraspecific trait variation in natural populations. Journal of Animal Ecology, 89: 921-932.

8. Roberston P., Mill A., Novoa A., Jeschke J.M., Essl F., Gallardo B., Geist J., Jarić I., Lambin X., Musseau C., Pergl J., Pyšek P., Rabitsch W., von Schmalensee M., Shirley M., Strayer D., Stefansson R., Smith K., Booy O. A proposed unified framework to describe the management of biological invasions. 2020. Biological Invasions, 22: 2633–2645.

7. Jarić I., Courchamp F, Correia R., Crowley S.L., Essl F., Fischer A., González-Moreno P., Kalinkat G., Lambin X., Lenzner B., Meinard Y., Mill A., Musseau C., Novoa A., Pergl J., Pyšek P., Pyšková K., Robertson P., von Schmalensee M., Shackleton R.T., Stefansson R., Štajerová K., Veríssimo D., Jeschke J.M. 2020. The role of species charisma in biological invasions. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 18: 345-353.

6. Enders M., Havemann F., Ruland F., Bernard-Verdier M., Catford J.A., Gómez-Aparicio L., Haider S., Heger T., Kueffer C., Kühn I.,  Meyerson L. A., Musseau C., Novoa A., Ricciardi A., Sagouis A., Schittko C., Strayer D., Vilà V., Essl F., Hulme P.E, van Kleunen M., Kumschick S., Lockwood J.L., Mabey A.L., McGeoch M., Palma E., Pyšek P., Saul W-C, Yannelli F.A., Jeschke J.M. 2020. A conceptual map of invasion biology: integrating hypotheses into a consensus network. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29: 978-991.

5. Pergl J., Pyšek P., Essl F., Jeschke J.M., Courchamp F., Geist J., Hejda M., Kowarik I., Mill A., Musseau C., Pipek P., Saul W-C., von Schmalensee M., Strayer D. 2020. Need for routine tracking of biological invasions. Conservation Biology, 34: 1311-1314.

4. Musseau C., Vincenzi S., Jesenšek D., Boulêtreau S., Santoul F., Nicolas D., Crivelli A.J. 2018. Dietary niche expansion and niche shift in native marble trout (Salmo marmoratus) living in sympatry with introduced rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 27: 720-731

3. Musseau C., Vincenzi S., Jesenšek D., Crivelli A.J. 2017. Cannibalism in non-native brown trout Salmo trutta and rainbow trout Oncorhyncus mykiss stream-dweling populations.  Journal of Fish Biology, 91: 1737-1744.

2. Musseau C., Vincenzi S., Jesenšek D., Cantera I., Boulêtreau S., Santoul F., Crivelli A.J. 2015. Direct and indirect effects of environmental factors on dietary niches in size-structured populations of a wild salmonid.  Ecosphere, 6: 1-15.

1. Musseau C., Boulenger C., Crivelli A.J., Lebel I., Pascal M., Boulêtreau S., Santoul F. 2015. Native European eel as a  potential biological control for invasive crayfish. Freshwater Biology, 60: 636-645

Book chapter

Jeschke J.M., Hilt S., Hussner A., Mösch S., Mrugała A., Musseau C.L., Ruland F., Sagouis A., Strayer D.L. In press. Biological invasions: case studies. In: Tockner K., Mehner T. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, 2nd edition. Elsevier.


Musseau C. L., Onandia G., Petermann J. A., Sagouis A., Lischeid G. Jeschke J. M. Abiotic and anthropogenic effects on macroinvertebrate biodiversity in an agricultural pondscape. EPCN 2021 - online.

Musseau C. L., Onandia G., Petermann J. A., Sagouis A., Lischeid G. Jeschke J. M. Nonlinear effects of environmental stressors on biodiversity: insights from macroinvertebrate communities in an agricultural pondscape. BES 2020 - Festival Of Ecology - online.

Musseau C., Onandia G., Sagouis A., Petermann J. A., Jeschke J. M. Functional shifts of freshwater communities due to extreme drought events along a gradient of agricultural intensity.   ESA 2018, New Orleans, USA.

Musseau C., Vincenzi S., Jesensek D., Boulêtreau S., Santoul F., Crivelli A.J. Sympatry with the devil? Trophic interactions between an alien and an endangered salmonids. Advances in the Population Ecology of Stream Salmonids - IV 2015, Girona, Spain.



Variabilité trophique chez la truite marbrée (Salmo marmoratus) : déterminismes ontogénétiques et environnementaux. PhD Thesis (2015)

Cannibalism in populations of the endemic marble trout (Salmo marmoratus) in allopatry and in sympatry with a non-native salmonid species in Slovenia. Master thesis (2012)


Musseau C., Guillerault N., Santoul F. Efficacité des restaurations de cours d'eau : apports des méthodes isotopiques appliquées à l'ichtyofaune. ONEMA, 43 pp. (2016)


Musseau C., Boulêtreau S., Guillerault N., Santoul F. Conséquences de la restauration hydromorphologique d'un cours d'eau sur la structure et le fonctionnement de l'écosystème : vers un bon état écologique ? Agence de l'Eau Adour-Garonne, 100 pp. (2016)

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