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My research interests broadly encompass aspects of ecosystem functioning, aquatic-terrestrial interactions, community and population ecology, trophic niches, individual specialization and practical field techniques with a primary emphasis on freshwater organisms.

I am particularly interested in the reciprocal fluxes of subisdies between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and how they structure the different biological levels of organization.

I study the interactions between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems along two gradients (agriculture and urbanization) and aim at understanding the effects of human activities on local biodiversity and dynamics of species at a landscape scale.


I am currently postdoctoral fellow in FU Berlin and IGB, in Jonathan Jeschke's team and working on the development of the Hi knowledge initiative. I develop a new conceptual scheme to organize and synthesize knowledge in invasion science and beyond.

Active member of InDyNet, Invasion Dynamics Network and InvaCost.

Feel free to contact me with any questions.


Our new paper on the economic costs of invasive macrophytes is out!

Lead: Rafael L. Macêdo (FU/IGB)


Dr. Camille Musseau

AG Jeschke

Insitut für Biologie

Freie Universität Berlin

Königin-Luise-Strasse 1-3

Raum 213

14195 Berlin-Dahlem

+49 30 838-53959


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